On April 3rd, 2014, US Embassy visited Center for Technology Incubator (BIT) in Puspiptek, South Tangerang. This was the third visit since 2012. Beside Sarah Bailey (US Department of State, Entrepreneurship Program Manager), other representatives from US Embassy, Kathryn Pharr (Science, Technology, & Innovation Program Manager), Samuel B. Howerton (Deputy Director, Office of Science and Technology Cooperation), Christin C. KJelland (Foreign Affairs, Office of Science and Technology Cooperation) also joined the visit. The purposes of their visit were to gain information about the process and procedures of technology incubator in Indonesia, especially in the Center for Technology Incubator, and to visit the incubating tenants.
Head of the Center for Technology Incubator, Iwan Sudrajat gave a
presentation about BIT and the innovation system. Some of the questions
from the representatives of US Embassy were how the tenants can be
incubated, the target of the incubation for the tenants, time limit for
the tenant, the funding resources and how the innovation system can be
supported by the incubators. At the end of the visit, Sudrajat invited
US Embassy representatives on behalf of the Deputy Chairman of
Technology Policy Assessment to join the Leaders’ Forum in April 15,
2014 and invited Sarah Bailey to be a guest speaker in UNS, Solo.
Bailey welcomed those good opportunities and look forward to attending
the invitations.(hk)
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